Gifts For A Crypto Enthusiast & Lover 2023

There’s no doubt that crypto is having a moment and everyone’s talking about it. There are plenty of ways to learn about this new and exciting technology, but if you’re looking for something more tangible or simply want to gift someone else with crypto, here’s what we think are the best gifts for all kinds of crypto fans out there.

What to gift for a crypto enthusiast?

We’ve got a few ideas that anyone who loves crypto will appreciate. The most obvious place to start is with the gift of cryptocurrency itself. If you’re a crypto user already, probably it’s an easy task. But what if you don’t have enough knowledge to master cryptocurrency transfers? Then the best way for you to find the perfect gift for the crypto enthusiast in your life is Not A Boring Gift platform

On the Not A Boring platform you can send a crypto gift without needing a digital wallet. The only two things you’ll need are an email address and a payment card. 

TOP 5 Gifts for Crypto Lovers

1. Bitcoin or Ethereum gift card

An innovative, valuable, and technologically advanced gift is a thing that your friends and loved ones will value the most. In addition, it’s maintenance-free and won’t take up space in their houses. On Not A Boring Gift you can choose Bitcoin or Ethereum gift cards for your chosen budget.

2. Book about cryptocurrencies

For person who is just getting into cryptocurrency, they will likely have a lot of questions. In addition to buying cryptocurrency, you can also give them a book on cryptocurrency that answers their questions and gets them started on their journey. Book called Cryptocurrency Basics: A Beginner’s Reference by Christopher Burniske focuses specifically on cryptocurrencies and how they work from an economic perspective rather than technical details like some other titles do. If you want to give someone an overview of this space without getting too deep into the weeds (or filling up your friends’ inbox with endless emails), this is a good choice for you!

For the crypto nerd in your life, a book on blockchain technology will be an invaluable resource for learning more about this new industry. It’ll be a great way to pass the time while waiting for the train or if someone is feeling restless at home.

There are many titles available on Amazon to choose from! You could try out:

  • The Complete Ethereum Blockchain Mastery: Beginner to Pro Guide by Teeka Tiwari 
  • Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain by Andreas M. Antonopoulos

3. A ledger

If you are looking for a gift that is perfect for any bitcoin lover, then look no further than the Bitcoin Ledger. This is one of the most popular wallets on the market, and it has been designed by airbitz. The wallet can be used on your phone or computer, providing you with an easy way to store your bitcoins and spend them whenever you wish. There are plenty of other benefits associated with this product too: 

  • it supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including Litecoin and ZCash; 
  • it has a modern user interface; 
  • it offers private keys that never leave their device or touch an Internet-connected server (making them more secure).

If your friend or family member loves spending time online then we highly recommend that they invest in this product!

4. Blockchain-inspired clothing

For the crypto person in your life, you can’t go wrong with a pair of crypto socks. Yeah, we know, we are bigger supporters of a digital gifting but sometimes you got to gift what you got to gift. They come in a variety of colors and design options.

Another great gift is a crypto sweatshirt, which comes in many different styles and colors. The designs are fun and show off how much somebody in your life loves bitcoin (and I mean all crypto). This cozy sweater will keep him warm while showing off his love for virtual currencies all at once!

Blockchain inspired clothing gifts are perfect for crypto dads & moms or the ones that love spending time at home!

5. NFT for crypto art lovers

NFTs are a new way of creating, sharing, and collecting art. NFTs are digital assets that can be traded on the blockchain. They can represent any kind of digital assets, such as stickers, collectibles, artworks, avatars, in-game wearables, and even digital and real-life properties. Visit Not A Boring Gift platform and choose from a wide variety NFT gifts that can be send via email (without needing a digital wallet).

nft gifts you can send via email


We hope this gift guide for all-level crypto enthusiasts helped you find the perfect gift! If you have more digital gift ideas for web3 people, share them with us on Twitter. Also, if you’d like to receive a FREE NFT this Christmas, it’s your chance now! Click on the banner down below, get the boldest digital gifting updates and deals, and on top of that – receive a special-edition NFT for free (which can be regifted or transferred to your wallet)!

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Not a Boring Penguin

I'm passionate about the future of gifting. My mission is to raise awareness about digital gifts and show people how thoughtful they are! I write about crypto, and NFT presents and share real-life stories that inspire others to see gifting from a modern point of view.

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