Why Crypto is The Best Gift for Weddings in 2023

I love giving gifts and always seek ways to make my presents more thoughtful. This year, my best friend got married, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to gift them with cryptocurrency.

Wedding gifts suck

It’s hard to believe that a wedding gift is supposed to be a thoughtful token of affection. It’s more like an obligation, especially if you’re buying something expensive. And even if you’re not, it’s still not very personal or useful. Plus, there’s always that anxiety about whether the couple wants whatever gift you pick out for them—and whether they’ll like it enough to display it in their home or use it regularly.

So, I did a quick research online about the worst wedding gifts. I immediately removed them from my list:

  1. Anything with the bride’s and groom’s names on it. May it be a knife, some kind of box, cutting board, or cups. 
  2. Interior design item. Unless you know exactly the home decor they aspire to create in their future home. 
  3. Any form of exercise equipment or gym membership. Physical activity is a choice that a person makes, taking into consideration their health condition, goals, and lifestyle. Nobody needs a personal trainer they didn’t ask for. 
  4. Lingerie. Maybe a proper gift for a bachelorette party or wedding shower but not for a wedding. 
  5. Anything advertised on TV. A wedding is a beautiful celebration of love. Let’s not make it commercial. 
  6. One-purpose gift card. If you choose to gift a gift card, make sure it can be used in multiple ways.

And then… I found a gift idea for newlyweds that mesmerized me!

I think my boyfriend just threw up a little bit when I told him we’ll be gifting crypto instead of cash as a wedding gift. But I’ve learned from personal experience that crypto has more value than any other present because:

 There are only so many digital assets out there with real-world value. These tokens can be traded for cash or sold on an exchange at any time; they’re not just a one-off gift that will eventually expire.

But that’s not the only thing that makes crypto such a great wedding gift!

You see, when you give someone crypto as a wedding gift, you help them get started in the world of investing—and who doesn’t want to start investing? Whether it’s your friend who has been eyeing Bitcoin for years or your cousin who has never heard of blockchain before, crypto is a great way for them to get their feet wet with something new and exciting. It’s also a great way for them to learn about how the financial system works without having to jump into stocks right away. And even if they don’t have any interest in investing themselves, there are still plenty of reasons why giving crypto as a wedding gift is a good idea: for example, because your friend or family member might want to buy something online with their new token someday! The possibilities are endless regarding what people can do with their cryptocurrency—you just have to let them find out.

The best gift not on the registry

Frankly, I was a bit anxious about the gift. Yes, I was excited about this gift idea, but I worried that my friends wouldn’t understand it.  But I had no idea how popular it would be. It was the hit of the wedding, and everyone loved it. It also provided a great conversation starter for my friends who had never owned cryptocurrency before or even heard of it before. They were all intrigued (and some were quite jealous).

It’s crazy how much impact just one small decision like this can have on someone who isn’t familiar with cryptocurrencies!

It was a hit!

Based on the feedback I’ve gotten, it was a hit! The couple was excited to receive this gift. They were surprised by the thoughtfulness of their gift and interested in learning more about crypto. They were curious about blockchain and eager to learn more about how it works. Even older people started asking what this is, so I got a chance to introduce them to crypto as well!

I loved doing this and would love to do this again

It was a hit with the guests, who were so excited about their unique crypto gifts. I can’t wait to see what they do with their gift. Would they spend it, trade it or hodl?

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Not a Boring Penguin

I'm passionate about the future of gifting. My mission is to raise awareness about digital gifts and show people how thoughtful they are! I write about crypto, and NFT presents and share real-life stories that inspire others to see gifting from a modern point of view.

Articles: 53